I want a hair bow!
Ok so I was indulging in my guilty pleasure (I['m terrible arn't I!)and skimming through Perez Hilton the other day and came across this picture of Lady Gaga, who you may not know is my new 'I love her style but would never wear it myself' icon.

Is that a BOW made of HAIR?!? Is it HER OWN hair?!? I want one? How the hell do you do it?!? And then when I was on the New York Couture website just now I found another hair bow... this time on Audrey Kitching!

Ok so I know this isn't her real hair... I doubt anyones ever seen a picture of her with 100% real hair for years but what about Gaga's?!? How did she do it! Do I smell a new trend just around the corner?!?
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