Thursday, 28 May 2009


Ok so I've been catching up on the blogs I've not been reading while I've been so busy and I've come across a recent post from my personal favorite, the Doe Deere Blogazine about if young ager is an obstacle or not... 

I think that every young creative (by young I mean aged 15-18) should read this. Even though Doe is giving advice to a young girl about if young age is an obstacle or not for becoming a make up artist or not, this information can be applied to everyone. 

Running Lipstick Royalty I've come across a barrage of agism. I founded in the magazine in December 07, when I was 14 years old. Lest be honest, I was carp at it at the time but I like to think I've become good at my job. However I have noticed a massive leap in how people see me in business since my 16th birthday. I want to know how different my portfolio is since the beginning of this year, when I was 15. It hasn't changed. How about my ability to do my job?I get better every day but I wasn't as the point where I couldn't be taken seriously. 

I think the world, but especially the online creative industry needs to pay attention to who exactly they are excluding in their barrage of ageism. What difference should a few months make. None. But it does. Should a 16 year old who can do her job be penalized against when she can do her job just as well as the average 25 year old? No. But she is.