Few Days Of Fashion...
Today is all about preparation... things I hate. I'm now starting to realized how good I had it at London Fashion Week. I was there with the Raw TV film crew, and I had someone there to drive me to London (albeit having to get up at 5:00am), I had someone liaising with the PR company running the event for me, and my interview with Erin O'Conner was all scheduled and organized for me. All I had to do was the research...
As some of my, or my Fashion Editor Amy's regular readers may know, we are both going to Clothes Show London tomorrow. And we're organizing everything ourselves. So basically I'm here to moan about the Docklands Light Railway being closed in the bit we ned for repair, getting things like Business cards and flyers sorted. At least my train leaves at (9:00am is so I won't be getting up too early...
The reason I'm blogging rather than Tweeting about this (apart from the fact I've just written WAY more than 140 characters!) is I wanted to tell you all about Clothes Show London, and if you want to hear all about it before August 1st when you'll read Amy's article on it in Lipstick Royalty, check back here for more updates tomorrow evening!
On another note, I've been working flat out on the Lipstick Royalty Magazine online shopping guide 2009 in every second of the day I haven't been studying so you should look out for that on Monday!
Finally... I needed to get out of the house and cheer myself up... so I went shopping!

I finally managed to get myself a sundress after two years of looking. This one was £40 from Topshop, fits beautifully and also comes in white. I got the peach as I'd only get it dirty by sitting on the grass or something!

My second purchase, which if it is possible I'm even more pleased about are these pair of shoes - leather Converse All Stars! I hate shoe shopping. They are my first pair of Converses and they are as comfy as hell. They are also GOLD! Not tacky gold but nice gold, exclusive to Office and they also com in silver too. Shame they were £54.99. Thats a wincing price. At least they won't let water in!!!
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