Saturday, 30 May 2009

Clothes Show London... what a day...

As many of you will know, Lipstick Royalty's Fashion Editor Amy and I hit up Clothes Show London (in London!) yesterday... I survived the tube and met Amy for the first time, and no offense hun but it was nice not to be the shortest person for a change! 

First up, we caught the Beauty Awards and runway/dance show in the fashion theater. You'll hear more about these from Amy, as she took all the notes! However I can tell you that the show was Katie Prices' first ever catwalk debut so she was fronting the show, the dancers were incredible and the whole thing was based around a day trip to the great British seaside. And I almost whooped in delight - tutus have made it into mainstream fashion -  they were everywhere! 

Next we went and checked out the show. We met some really cool people and discovered some sickeningly cool designers!  

My favorite labels of the day have to be:

Darimeya with their gorgeous dresses - I owned one before clothes show but now I want more! 

My Darimeya birthday dress... I've found its really great to wear with grey skinny jeans to! 

Lazy Oaf - they had the cutest tees, belts hoodies etc. on the planet!

I'm like in love with this Tote bag I brought... its so cute! 

Eyeko Beauty - I'd seen them before but their stand with all the sweets and the candy coloured packaging on their products was the coolest ever! The woman on the exhibit as a nice as anything as well, and the cupcake flavored lipgloss was divine!

B Never To Busy To Be Beautiful (cosmetics) - Ok, Amy knew about these people but I didn't - brightly pigmented mineral make - ups in little jeweled boxes as packaging! I tried some loose gold eyeshadow on the back of my hand and the colour stayed for ever and was bright, glittery and shiny! 
Isn't this both the coolest colour with the coolest packaging ever?!?

We also met some cool people...

We did an on the stop pit stop interview with Red from the Red Mutha alternative fashion store in Brighton while she was tending her stand (they had the coolest get your name painted on tape necklaces on the planet!)...

We met the uber nice Pin Up, Fetish and Fashion model Aisling Grace at the Limb Clothing stand...

And when we went back to Red Mutha to browse we bumped into Kate the designer from Gobbolino, who we featured in Lipstick Royalty a while back (and who we'll be featuring again sometime soon - watch this space!) and it was nice to meet her in the flesh at last! 

And finally, when I got home there was a package on my desk from Brooklyn - my Lime Crime make-up samples! I can't wait to try them out and write their product review! Thanks Lime Crime!