A Part Of Me Died Inside...
You may have heard me mention that even though I don't own any of their pieces New York Couture is one of my favorite design houses of all time...
Well my love affair with New York Couture started totally by accident (which by coincidence is how I came to found Lipstick Royalty Magazine (to find out how that came about click HERE). Our first ever cover for Lipstick Royalty Magazine (then called Inside Out Magazine) looked like this:
The image, is world famous alternative model Audrey Kitching (a name I have used SO many times over the last 18 months) modeling for New York Couture. Our old Creative Director Joe introduced me to New York Couture and I thought it was just bright colours, I didn't even know what alternative fashion was, and, at the time of press I didn't know who Audrey Kitching was (I cringe as I write this!) or how famous she was. I didn't know it at the time (I didn't even know what alternative fashion was) the evening I lay on my bed in my room (stopping to grab supper and a bread roll as well in between) looking through New York Couture's pictures was the moment I ell in love with alternative fashion, and bright colours. I wonder where I would be now if I hadn't landed such a stellar first cover (or picked up the use of the word stellar from Joe!) Would I still be running LR now? Would I have been on TV? Interviewed a supermodel at Fashion Week?
Anyway, so onto why a part of me has died inside...

On that first day, the reason I fell in LOVE with alternative fashion was one of a kind dress, modeled by Audrey herself made out of part of a vintage wedding dress.... and today, while browsing the New York Couture I noticed it has been SOLD! Whoever has brought it, better look after the piece that has forged my career so far! Or put it on eBay when I actually have enough spare cash to buy it!
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